Drowning Prevention

Get involved! Drowning Prevention Week 2024 runs from Saturday 15th to Saturday 22nd June.

Drowning Prevention Week (DPW) is the Royal Life Saving Society’s (RLSS) annual campaign week designed to explore opportunities to proactively raise awareness of water safety ahead of a summer outdoors - messages can be shared throughout summer, not just during DPW!

The Merseyside and Isle of Man Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) is raising awareness of key messages and sharing resources, you can get involved by helping to spread the word on social media using the hashtags #DrowningPreventionWeek #DPW #EnjoyWaterSafely #RLSSUK


Printable resources - Printable Resources (rlss.org.uk)

Animation 1 - https://youtu.be/mYs-fbvie2k

Animation 2 - https://youtu.be/zwzB7So7jSM

Visual for TV screens - GetImage.ashx (1999×1125) (rlss.org.uk)

Social media images - Drowning Prevention Week Imagery for England, Northern Ireland and Scotland | Royal Life Saving Society UK ( RLSS UK )

 How to get involved - Royal Life Saving Society UK's Drowning Prevention Week (rlss.org.uk)