Blessed Sacrament is a Catholic Primary School situated in the Archdiocese of Liverpool and is maintained by the Liverpool Local Authority. The Governing Body of the school is responsible for determining and administering the policy relating to the admission of pupils to the school. It is guided in that responsibility by:
the requirements of the law
the advice of the Archdiocesan Trustees on the nature and purpose of its duties
its duty towards the school and the Catholic community it serves
the Catholic character of the school and its Mission Statement
recognition of the Parish boundary
The school serves in the first instance baptised Catholic children living in the Parish of Blessed Sacrament. We consult with the LA and others in accordance with the requirements of the law and the Governing Body publish it’s admissions limit at prior to the commencement of each school year.
For Nursery/Reception places:
Parents / Carers wishing to apply for a place for their child at Blessed Sacrament in the first instance should contact the school office.
Everyone MUST complete the schools admissions forms and for a place in Reception you must apply via the Liverpool City Council website also (link below).
A copy of your child's Birth Certificate and Baptism Certificate should also be provided to School.
Please ensure that the school admission form and the faith form are handed into the school office. Our friendly office staff will take copies of your child's baptism and birth certificate at that time.
For mid-year and applications beyond Nursery and Reception:
If you wish for your child to join us mid-year or our wishing to move from another school. The process would be to contact our friendly admin team to discuss the possibly and see if we have places available. You will be asked some questions for us to gather the required information; then you and your child will be invited into school to meet with a member of our Senior Leadership Team. You will have the opportunity to look around, ask any questions and meet our staff and pupils. In the meantime why not investigate our website for more information about Blessed Sacrament and the fantastic opportunities we provide to enable our pupils to develop 'a life long love of learning',